Monday, April 22, 2019

Dream Archive 38: Summer Pumpkin

There was a comedy thing, and we were working to save it. It was like being in a newsroom, but everyone was writing jokes. Anna and I traveled to some kind of conference together, possible in Scotland or Ireland. She was upset and confused about how she was feeling. We traveled back to her house in the city. I met her husband. He wanted to do curls with me. I said okay, and he showed me a set of weights with complicated settings and attachments. 

Then we all went to a wedding at a nearby resort. It was like being in Mexico or another tropical country. Batman was there, and he was SO TALL. We walked for a bit, and I saw Bob. I hadn’t seen him in years. I asked how he was doing. He said he was still in school. I asked if he was still playing music, and he said, “Summer Pumpkin still plays sometimes.” This was apparently a band he was in with other people I knew. I told him, “I still listened to your solo albums from time to time.” (not true) “They’re really good.” (true) He didn’t say anything. As with a lot of people I’ve known in real life, I don’t think Bob likes me very much. Summer Pumpkin is objectively a great band name, though. 

To get to the wedding ceremony, we had to walk down about a mile through what looked like a subway station. There were ads in plexiglass frames all over the walls. What did humans dream about before we were constantly drowning in information? It must have been something simpler. 

Now I have to get up and live my “real” life, pretend that the days when life meant something aren’t far, far behind me. It was a relatively brief time in the grand scheme of things, and now it’s vanishing into the mists of the distant past. I feel like the last few Leghk huddled together in the Halls of Memory, knowing the the Uhl will soon take them like it’s taken the rest of their kind. The Uhl wants all of us. Does anyone out there understand this reference?? DOES ANYONE OUT THERE FEEL THIS WAY???????

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