Friday, May 10, 2019

Dream Archive 43: The House Across the Valley

I was trying to complete some kind of graduate program. I was getting help from a woman who lived in the area. In return for her help, she asked me to find her daughter who had disappeared recently. I was researching the case on a microfiche projector but getting nowhere. I went to visit the woman at her house across the valley.

As I started to walk, I suddenly achieved full lucid dreaming. I felt as though I was wide awake and in complete control of my body. I thought to myself, “I finally did it!!” even though I have heretofore made no effort to achieve lucid dreaming. Maybe that’s why it only lasted for 30 seconds. But during that time I was able to fly across the valley to the woman’s house at the top of an old logging road.

Of course the house was a mansion. All houses in dreams have to be mansions. The family was having a meeting or a briefing in their living room using an old style overhead projector complete with transparencies and everything. Do kids today even know what overhead projectors and transparencies are? I’m guessing they do given the state of funding for public education in this country. Schools are probably still using equipment they bought in the 1970s.

I assume the family was meeting about the effort to find their missing daughter. As I walked out of the living room, I met the girl’s grandmother. She was lying flat on her back in the middle of the hallway. Her eyes were milky white, and she was clearly blind. She spoke to me and told me three things about myself, all of which were true. The girl’s father told me that the grandmother had the second sight and knew everything there was to know. “She always speaks the truth,” he said.

I knelt down, looking into her blank eyes. The pupils were constricted, and the irises radiated fine grey and white lines. They looked like painted marbles. I asked her, “Where is your missing granddaughter?” She seemed to be looking directly at me even though there was nothing in her eyes. She gave me the answer to my question, but I don’t remember what it was.

Dream Archive 42: Magic Trick

I wanted to do a magic trick, but I was completely wrapped in plastic bubbles, so I couldn’t feel anything.

Dream Archive 41: Fucking Homicidal Insect

I talked about dreams with Amanda last night, and I told her that I almost never dream about places I’ve lived. So of course I went to bed and immediately dreamed about the house on Locust Street. Specifically, I was in the backyard, and there was some kind of insect running around. It was about the size and shape and color of a Magic Eight Ball — some kind of beetle. I saw it coming towards me, and I tried to run, but I slipped and fell, and it grabbed onto the back of my neck. I woke up shaking violently like I was being electrocuted, still feeling it jerking around, pulling on my skin, its wings flapping. I lay there looking around to make sure it wasn’t in my room. Then I heard a deep rumbling sound that seemed to be coming up from the floor. I couldn’t identify where it was coming from. It lasted a few minutes, then I fell back asleep.

Dream Archive 40: Jelly Beans

We were coming home from a trip and dropping people off. We were in a large truck, almost like a boat or maybe a carrier for a parade float. We stopped at a large red brick building that looked to have 50 rooms or more. It was like a dorm but was apparently a co-op house where Duncan lived. I tried to ask him about it, but his accent was getting more and more foreign. I looked at the street signs and tried to memorize them, but I quickly forgot.

We went back to our house. My dad was very worried because he had forgotten to sweep up some broken glass and there had been people coming to look at the house while we were away. We went in and talked to a guy who seemed like a detective but was actually an insurance adjuster(?). I asked Kimmy Schmidt if she remembered where the big red house was. She smiled and held up one finger, then went to her bedroom and came back with a bag of extra-large jelly beans. I was happy to have jelly beans, but I still wanted to know where that house was. I wanted to live there someday.